Duccio Maria GambiDuccio Maria Gambi
With INCAL, the new collection launched at Duplex, Duccio Maria Gambi blurs the lines of functionality and art, expanding his research into the nature of materials.
Duccio Amria Gambi selects the marble offcuts and works on the cut surface, engraving lines and textures and coloring parts of it. This to elevate and reinforce the rational and determined aspect of the cut part of the marble piece, and to boost the contrast with the raw rocky part. The marble block enters in a time vortex where the fragments existing before the lines applied appear to be a broken part of a bigger and undefined evoked structure. A contemporary ruin, a rationalized block of stone falling back to its irregular shape and merging again with nature, carrying the shadow of the culture that generated it.
The offcut enters a vortex where time is not present, where the existing fragment appears to be a broken part of a bigger and undefined structure. A contemporary ruin, a rationalized block of stone accepting its irregular shape, merging once again with nature and with the shadow of a nameless culture.
MATERIALS: Calacatta marble and acrylic. Painted iron and led source
25X17.5XH26 cm
About Duccio Maria Gambi
Trained between Radical Design and Milan’s architecture, grown up through multiple and heterogeneous experiences and professional exchanges in Rotterdam and Paris, Duccio approaches Design from a variety of directions. In his projects for Galleries, fashion brands and private commissions of bespoke furniture, he maintains a research-storytelling approach where every work stands as a momentary reflection in endless research on structures, materials, processes, which he carries on in his atelier and studio in Florence.